Raise your roof the right way! The average roof lasts between 25 and 50 years. However, there is no guarantee that your roof will last even 20 years.
Many people think they are caring for their roofs correctly. In reality, they are committing numerous roof maintenance mistakes. If you want to keep your home safe and spotless, you need to get the facts about these mistakes.
How should you respond to leaks and fallen shingles? What equipment should you use to maintain your roof? How can you avoid roof maintenance costs?
Answer these questions and you can create a perfect roof maintenance routine in no time. Here are seven mistakes you can avoid today.
1. Forgetting About Leaks
Leaks are roofing emergencies. Water and debris can fall into your home and damage it. A small hole or crack in your roof can become bigger, leading to major structural problems.
If you notice water dripping through your roof, you need to seal the roof immediately. You can install a plywood board as a temporary plug, then you need to call a roofing company.
After the leak is fixed, you should take steps to avoid future leaks. Trim branches on trees around your home so they don’t fall on your roof. Install roof shingles that deflect water away from your home and add new ones if old ones fall off.
2. Skipping Roof Inspections
Even if you are performing good roof maintenance, wear and tear will affect your roof. You should inspect your roof at least twice a year, ideally during the spring and fall. This lets you make repairs before hot summer weather or snow damages your roof.
If you are uncomfortable going on your roof, you can hire a residential roofing inspector. Make sure they inspect your gutters and flashing in addition to your shingles and roofing materials.
3. Ignoring the Gutters
Your gutters carry rainwater, snow, and ice away from your roof. However, many gutters get clogged, which can keep water from draining off your roof. Over time, your gutters can fill up with debris and fall off your roof, damaging the sides of it.
Clean your gutters at least once a month. You should get on your roof or climb up a ladder to inspect them and remove any clogs in them.
If you are struggling to remove the clogs, you can use a high-pressure hose to push them away. You should also use a brush to remove dirt and grime on your gutters.
4. Using the Wrong Equipment
Never perform repairs on your roof without using the right tools. A hammer and nails can help you install new shingles, but you may also create a hole in your roof. Often times, the most susceptible spot to leaking requires custom made aluminum flashing.
A pressure washer can work well on a slate or tile roof. But the water can damage asphalt shingles and other materials. The moisture from a pressure wash can provide fuel for mold and mildew, so use a towel to dry off the areas you have washed.
Many stores sell roof cleaning supplies like roofing cleaners. Cleaners can help you remove mold and moss, but they may contain harsh chemicals that discolor or damage your roofing materials. Read customer reviews before you use the cleaners and only use small amounts of them.
5. Excessive Moisture – Roof Maintenance Mistake
Drying your roof with after washing is only one step you need to take to remove moisture. You are constantly adding moisture to your attic system through breathing, showers, and cooking. You should install a ventilation system so cool and dry air circulates through your home. This will keep moisture from building up on the ceiling underneath your roof.
Hot air can rise to your roof, make contact with cold air, and produce condensation. To remove the condensation, you can install dehumidifiers and use vents to let the air flow out.
A flat roof can have drainage problems as pools of water can build up on it. You can use a mop to push the water away into your gutters. If you’re worried about water damage to your doors and landscaping, you also install a roof water diverter to move the water away.
6. Relying on DIY Measures
You can make small repairs to your roof like replacing shingles. But professionals should handle major problems, even if you have DIY experience. They can do an inspection of your roof, use modern tools to make repairs, and advise you on how to maintain your roof.
Do not start repairing roof damage if you’re not familiar with maintenance tips. You can have a friend or family member supervise you as you are making your fixes so you do not make mistakes.
7. Substituting the Wrong Materials
When you are replacing shingles or tiles, you should find identical replicas of the ones you are replacing. It is very difficult to install tiles or shingles that are bigger than the previous ones. If you install ones that are too small, you leave room between your shingles for water to leak into your home.
If you want to replace your roof and install new materials, you should talk to a roofing company. Take a look at a few different roofs and understand how the replacement will affect your home.
Avoiding Roof Maintenance Mistakes
Before you start fixing your roof, you need to study roof maintenance mistakes. Do not let your roof get leaky, dirty, or clogged.
Clean your roof on a regular basis and patch any holes you see, including missing shingles. Make sure you are using the right materials and tools.
You may need to make fixes inside your home like installing a ventilation system. If you don’t know how to fix your roof or interior, you should call a roofing company.
Find experienced professionals who know about roofs in your area. 180 Contractors serves Michigan residents. Contact us today.